We have to fight For one another, not against one another,  so lets all work together!

We can not expect the city to do everything, we need to work together to get things done.

The City of San Antonio has adopted “311SA” mobile app for reporting service requests.

Please join our City Wide Cleanup Initiative  called the
SA Clean Up Count Down

Please help us with some projects we are working on 
Westside Revival Projects

Working with community leaders to do meaningful work to support life guidance and improve quality of life, and standard of living for children, families, and individuals.

Photo by weston m on Unsplash

People live in San Antonio
0 +

We have multiple purposes of our organization, but lets talk about two important purposes:

Protection, and Remediation!

Environmental Protection

YOUR SCHOOL Teachers, Students and Parents can be LEADERS in having a collective impact to create Environmental Awareness and Appreciation.

How many people can really make a difference...

0 +
0 +
Parents & Family
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Our K - 12th grade Environmental Awareness and Appreciation program offers reminders of how it is important to care for the environment and how it is better to not litter.

City Problem Solvers offers an Environmental Awareness and Appreciation program curriculum that can be tailored to fit your school.

Expected School Participation
0 +
Presentations Expected Annually
0 +
Hearts Impacted
0 +

Regardless of the size or location of the school, we need to get the word out there, because the solution starts with preventative measures, and the children are our future!

Environmental Remediation

Yes there is a major Trash Problem

This is a real photo!

& Every problem

Has a solution!

Especially if we all work Together!

Who We Are

City Problem Solvers aims to make a difference to improve quality of life around the world, One City at a Time , starting in San Antonio TX!

We have a 5 gallon bucket that is waiting for you! Please come join us and help us at one of our next city community cleanups!

litter Pieces Picked up and Bagged
0 +
Jon picking up Trash
Every Bucket Counts

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We truly look forward to your participation

We are very grateful to our awesome sponsors, and all Donated Support Thank you!

Neighborhoods of San Antonio

Businesses of San Antonio

Schools of San Antonio


City Problem Solvers is standing up for multiple causes, but starting off our primary causes that we are standing up for will be Trash / Litter Remediation, and Homeless Rehabilitation.

Trash / litter / mess / lack of order and organization has a negative mental effect on someone, it breeds disorientation and mental instability

Days in Operation
0 +
Expected Annually
0 +
Lbs of Trash / Litter so far
0 +

Latest City Problem Solvers News

It may seem that we have a lot going on in a short amount of time, but that is because there is sometimes more than one needed solution to every problem, and we really do truly believe that together we can help to solve some real problems in this world!

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Receive emails containing special event announcements, participation opportunities, and impact stories, etc...

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We truly look forward to your participation